Choose Your Destiny.

Then Master the

Inner Game of Wealth.


Most people chase outcomes. Choose instead. When you get clear about what you want, the entire universe conspires in your favor.  Unsuccessful people chase outcomes, successful people choose their destiny. 


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Have you noticed how many people complain about their life and circumstances?

  • I don't have enough money.
  • I don't have enough time. 
  • My business isn't big enough.
  • Monday's suck. 
  • Friday can't get here soon enough. 
  • I can't because the market/economy is down.
  • Can't wait until vacation.
  • I can't stand my body. 
  • I hate my job.
  • My employees aren't performing.
  • I hate my boss.
  • Only 20 years until retirement.
  • My husband/wife won't let me.
  • I don't have the energy.
  • I'll be able to as soon as...

These are all signs that you have lost your life's direction. You are off course, and need to make some changes. If you wake up dreading any part of your day, live in constant worry and fear, and feel like there's something better for you in life but you just can't break the gravitational pull of your current circumstances...

There are 5 primary reasons that you are not living the life of your dreams:

  1. You don’t know what your perfect life looks like. You know what you don’t want, but they don’t know what you DO want.
  2. You're chasing things you believe you “should” chase instead of choosing things that are authentic to your uniqueness.
  3. You don’t believe your dreams are possible.
  4. You don’t take inspired action.
  5. You lack commitment, resiliency, and grit, so you quit.

If you're ready to wake up excited every day it's time to choose a new destiny and create breakthrough prosperity!


By taking the first step and choosing a clear, intentional future, you begin the process of creating an entirely new life.


Clarifying your future will reveal new opportunities for greater levels of:

Wealth and Success

Gain clarity about the levels of wealth and success that will inspire you to take the aligned actions you need for financial freedom and impact on your terms.

Health and Fitness

Gain clarity on what health and fitness mean to you, and also identify what choices and activities will inspire you to achieve your vision of waking up energized.

Love and Relationships

Gain clarity on what you really want in your relationships, and you'll identify the actions and opportunities to connect more deeply with those you love.


When you master this process, you will begin to master your own life and fulfillment.


Join us January 27-28, 2024, at 3324 Rue Royale St, St Charles, MO 63301, from 9am to 5pm to learn and implement this proven process.

We'll spend two full days:

  • Defining your destiny.
  • Making certain it's authentic for you.
  • Learning how to dissolve doubt.
  • Learning about inspired action. 
  • Creating community for accountability, encouragement, and inspiration. 


When you get clear about what you want, the entire universe conspires in your favor to make your dreams your new reality. 

Are you ready to wake up each day excited to live the life of your dreams? 


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Meet Mike Kitko

Mike Kitko is the Founder and CEO of Inner Wealth Global, a personal and professional development company which helps business owners create more wealth, success, and happiness in their lives and businesses. Through coaching, training, and other needle-moving content, Inner Wealth helps business owners keep their eyes on what they really want - a fulfilling life which includes health, wealth, powerful relationships, and a lifestyle they're excited to wake up to every day. 

"I promise to inspire you to levels of wealth, success, and happiness you've only dreamed possible. I'll show up for you. The only question that I have is will you show up for yourself?"

- Mike

"I love working with Mike. He helps me stay accountable to my personal vision for my life and points out when I'm letting "stories" get in the way of my plans and goals. He's helped me stay focused on enjoying the journey and having fun in every challenge & season. We talk weekly about business goals, personal goals, and barriers that I inadvertently create to achieving those.

While working with him, my success, happiness, and peace have increased dramatically. Thanks, Mike, I'm so grateful to you."

Jen D. - Entrepreneur

"While coaching with Mike I can say I am a completely different person with how I approach my daily life and long-term vision. In 2018 I designed my first vision, and I honestly didn’t believe it was possible. Mike helped me believe in myself. After achieving what I set out to achieve, including time and financial freedom, moving to the mountains, and building my dream home, I’ve totally reset what I believe I’m capable of and what I envision for the rest of my life.

I feel like I can achieve anything because of my work with Mike"

Jordan B. - Entrepreneur


Choose Your Destiny.

When you get clear about what you want, the entire universe conspires in your favor to make your dreams your new reality. 


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