$34.97 (includes future meditations as they are added to the library)


Meditation will change your life, and allow you to upgrade every circumstance. When you add guided meditation to your daily routine, you'll rewire yourself to believe more empowering beliefs, think more empowering thoughts, feel more empowering emotions, and act and behave in more empowering ways. 

You'll literally become an upgraged human being. 

Here's what you'll get:

  • Meditation #1 - Embark on a journey through the mind and into your body, to heal the past and create a new future. Now.
  • Installing Future You - Who you are created your current circumstances. In order to create higher level circumstances, you must become a higher level version of yourself. In this meditation, we install future you. Now.
  • Embrace Yourself - A guided meditation to create deeper levels of self-love and self-acceptance, and to create a more powerful and prosperous future. 
  • The Miracle of You - A guided meditation to create a new future, and to surrender to the miracle that is you.
  • Increase Your Financial Setpoint - Your financial net-worth will always rise and fall to your internal financial setpoint. Increase Your setpoint, and your financial net-worth will naturally rise to match.
  • New meditations will be added as they are published - at no additional cost.

Please read the following release and disclaimer before registering. By registering you agree with these terms & conditions:

You are registering to access meditations from Inner Wealth, LLC. 

You are accessing content which will fuel the opportunity to create and realize your goals, with your full commitment and execution. Progress and outcome will depend on fit and level of commitment to the relationship and program. The programs we offer are for transformation and results.

Mentoring, coaching, and personal development training are not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or substance abuse treatment, and the client will not use it in place of any form of therapy. Inner Wealth, LLC does not provide counseling or medical services.

All parties and associates will exercise their best professional efforts, skills, and care to ensure the client is coached to meet their goals and outcomes. The client understands and acknowledges the coach will not be liable, legally or otherwise, for the actions the client may or may not undertake as a result of the coaching sessions nor following in the future. No assumption of responsibility is made, or given, and the client requesting such advice agrees not to hold Inner Wealth, LLC responsible or liable in any form or fashion, for such actions taken of their own accord. The method and process by which this advice and directions are given in no manner constitutes an agreement or liability on the part of the provider.

Using our services is entirely at the client's own risk. Coaching services are provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. Personal development requires emotional, physical, and mental efforts, exertion, and behavioral experimentation which may cause challenge, stress, or injury /death. The client fully acknowledges and takes responsibility for all the risks involved. The client is encouraged to consult their health care provider(s) prior to participating.

The client enters into this agreement with full understanding that they are responsible for creating their own results.