At Inner Wealth Global, we Raise global consciousness by empowering entrepreneurs to achieve personal and business success from the inside-out by mastering their inner world.

At Inner Wealth Global, our overall mission is simple yet profound: we raise the global level of consciousness. We empower entrepreneurs to live intentionally, aligned with their authentic selves, and to transcend the limitations of fear and doubt. We believe that true freedom, happiness, and success come from within, and we guide our students through a process of transformation that brings clarity, certainty, and commitment to their lives.

We support you in moving from survival mode—where you're running from what you don't want—to creation mode, where you boldly pursue your deepest desires. We help you rewire your beliefs, align with your true purpose, and step into a state of harmony and flow. Our students create inner wealth—the peace, joy, and fulfillment that comes when you live in alignment with your highest self.

Our programs, workshops, and coaching are designed to help you tap into your zone of genius, create the life you were born to live, and experience the magic of the universe conspiring in your favor. Through deep self-awareness, we help you dissolve the conditioning that keeps you small, allowing you to rise into your highest potential.

If you’re ready to live a life that excites you to wake up each day, knowing that you’re on a journey of creation, not survival, then you’ve found your new family. Let us help you unlock the potential that’s already inside of you and begin the journey toward true prosperity.

Mike Kitko is a coach, speaker, author, and Podcaster who helps high-performing entrepreneurs create powerful transformations in their lives and businesses.

Mike Kitko’s journey is a story of profound transformation, from a life of struggle and internal conflict to one of deep alignment, purpose, and inner wealth. Years ago, Mike found himself lost, weighed down by the neglect of his body, the pressures of a corporate career, and a life built on external validation. He chased success, titles, and material wealth, believing they would bring him the peace he so desperately sought. But instead, he found himself further disconnected from his true self.

In March 2016, after a long successful run in leadership positions in the United States Marine Corps and executive level positions in Fortune 500 America, he was terminated from 2 executive leadership positions in 20 months because the painful life he lived. After his near suicide, he decided to never return to that same life again, but everything would need to change.

The turning point came when Mike realized that happiness and fulfillment couldn't be found outside of himself—they had to be created from within. It was only when he started to embrace his authentic self and listen to the deeper callings of his soul that life began to shift. He let go of what wasn’t serving him—old beliefs, toxic habits, and the need for external approval—and stepped into a path of self-mastery, healing, and creation.

Through this process, Mike discovered the power of self-awareness, deep emotional intelligence, and spiritual connection. As he peeled back the layers, he reconnected with his purpose and realized that life was never meant to be a struggle. Life wanted for him exactly what he wanted for himself—all he needed to do was trust and step into alignment with his highest potential​​.

The ripple effect of his transformation and stepping into his personal power and purpose helped his wife Angie and daughters Katie and Meagan do the same. When one person raises their consciousness, it positively impact everyone around them. This is how Mike raises the level of global consciousness every day.

Today, Mike helps others unlock their true power and potential, guiding them on their own journey to inner wealth. He has built a life and business rooted in freedom, peace, and abundance, not by chasing external success, but by cultivating it from the inside out. His story serves as a powerful reminder that when we shift from survival mode to creation mode, we can manifest anything we desire.

Mike’s gift is helping people rediscover their own unique genius and guiding them to live in harmony with their deepest desires. Whether you’re seeking emotional freedom, financial abundance, or a life filled with meaning, Mike offers the tools, wisdom, and guidance to help you get there. Through his teachings, you’ll learn to dissolve fear and doubt, reconnect with your intuition, and create a life that truly feels like yours.

If you’re ready to step into your authentic power and live the life you’ve always imagined, Mike’s story is proof that it’s possible. He’s been where you are, and now he’s here to help you embark on your own journey of self-discovery, self- mastery, and transformation from the inside-out.