Do You Dread Your Day?

Let’s be honest, we all just want a little more success, happiness and freedom in our lives. The only reason you don’t have it is because you feel like it’s not available, but it is. If you dread any part of your life, that is not success. If you dread your health, wealth, and the power of your relationships, you have some work to do to define what success means to you and begin moving toward it.


This is Your Litmus Test

There are 7.8 billion people walking on the face of this planet right now, and there are 7.8 billion different perspectives of what success is and what success looks like.

I’ve realized after working with many people, that everyone has a different definition of success and everyone wants different things. S0, you can’t look at someone and ask them what success is. They don’t get the privilege of telling you what success means to you, because you get to define that.

If you haven’t taken time to fully stop…


and contemplate what success means to you, I would highly encourage you to do it. If you really slow down and get clear in who you are, and what you want in your life, and stop comparing yourself to other people, I think you’ll be surprised at what you find. It often will not look anything like what anyone else has, or what anyone else is doing.

There are 7.8 billion different perspectives of success, but there’s one thing that I know all of us have in common with success and understanding if we are feeling successful or not – if you wake up and dread your day, your life, your business, your health, your relationships, or any aspect of your life – you are not successful.

Use that as your litmus test.

If you wake up and you dread any part of your life, make significant changes because until you do, you’re going to dread each and every day and that is not a way to feel successful, happy and free during this lifetime.

Let’s be honest, we all just want a little more success, happiness and freedom in our lives. That’s what we want the most. The only reason you don’t have it is because you feel like it’s not available, but it is.

It’s up to you to get clear about what that looks like for you and fully step into it. Realize the purpose and the reason why you’re here. What does a meaningful, purposeful, happy and successful life look like for you?


Are You Passionate About Life?


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