Shift From Survival To Service

May 19, 2021

The single greatest shift you can make in your life and business to create more success and happiness is to shift from your own survival to serving the greater good. My business focus shifted from “what’s in it for me?” to “what’s in it for them?” and “how can I help the greatest number of people solve the problems in their lives?” That is when I shifted from a self-obsessed focus to a service-based focus.


Shift to Service for Success and Happiness

I truly believe that everyone wants to experience more success and happiness in their lives.

I know one major shift that can immediately create more of a feeling and experience of success and happiness in your life, because it did so for mine.

That one single shift is shifting from your own survival to serving the greater good.

Back when I was in survival mode, when I was literally out for myself and “what’s in it for me” was my only play of the day, I looked at people who said that they were looking to serve society and they were looking to try to help people, and thought they were full of shit. I literally thought that they were lying through their teeth and that there’s no way no one on the face of the planet shows up to try to serve other people and try to help other people. They’re really in it for themselves and they’re just lying to everyone.

But my perspective and judgment of them had nothing to do with them. it had everything to do with where I was in my life because I saw the world through my lens.

I was in survival mode. I was self-centered. I was self-obsessed. I thought I needed more to survive. I was in “what’s in it for me?” mode so I thought everyone else was as well.

My business focus shifted from “what’s in it for me?” to “what’s in it for them?” and “how can I help the greatest number of people solve the problems in their lives?” That is when I shifted from a self-obsessed focus to a service-based focus.

It created more success and happiness in my life and in my business immediately. When you feel like your survival is in danger, that is a shadow. That is an internal conflict that you must solve internally so you can truly feel success and happiness in your life and in your business.

You can’t fix an internal conflict through external rewards or resources. Feeling like your survival is in jeopardy all the time is an internal conflict. It’s a premature survival impulse that must be healed before you can truly feel like you are living successful and happy in the world.

If your intention right now in your life and business is showing up to just solidify your own welfare and not for the needs of the greater good, you have internal work that must be done. That single refocusing of your energy and of your intention will immediately open up the opportunity for you to experience more success and happiness in your life.

Only every single time.

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