The Happy Millionaire

Mar 17, 2021

In my coaching programs, whether it be my mastermind or private coaching, I can count no fewer than 10 millionaires that I get to work with on a regular basis. And within that mix, I get to see the mindset of someone who is capable of creating millions of dollars of value for themselves and for other people. I also get to understand what helps them either become a happy millionaire or a dissatisfied, unhappy millionaire.


Do You Trust Your Value?

In my coaching programs, whether it be my mastermind or private coaching, I can count no fewer than 10 millionaires that I get to work with on a regular basis. And within that mix, I get to see the mindset of someone who is capable of creating millions of dollars of value for themselves and for other people. I also get to understand what helps them either become a happy millionaire or a dissatisfied, unhappy millionaire.

So, first of all, I want to talk about the mindset and the heartset of someone who can create a million dollars of income, or a million dollars of net worth in their life. What they realize is, the more value I give to you, the more value I can charge for my service. The more impact I have on your life, the more impact you’ll have on my bank account. The more I can exchange value for value, the less I feel guilty and shameful for exchanging value for value. The more I don’t hide behind sales and marketing, the more upfront I am about the value that I provide. The more willing I am to give that value away so that people get to experience it, the more I’m going to be able to create income and net worth in my life.

Now, let’s talk about what separates a happy millionaire from an unhappy one because this is very much a bigger deal. The unhappy millionaire thinks that the money is scarce, and doesn’t trust that they’ll be able to continue to do it going forward, that maybe their income in the past was just luck. The unhappy, dissatisfied millionaire feels that business is a competition. The unhappy millionaire feels like money is their lifeblood, their identity rests and resides in their net worth, and in their value in their income in the size of their business.

The unhappy millionaire doesn’t trust life and doesn’t trust themselves, and is always waiting for the hammer to fall. The happy millionaire trusts life, trust himself and understands and values their talents, understands that no matter what challenge you put in front of them, they’ll be able to face it, that the past wasn’t luck. The past was because of who they are, and because of the value that they provide. The happy millionaire knows that there’s trillions of dollars exchanged in monetary transfer on an annual basis in the United States.

A healthy mindset and heartset based on money helps attract money to you. Once you have it, you’ll never lose it. If you took all the net worth of the entire world and divided it equally among the 7.8 billion people, within five years it would all be back with the same exact people right now, because of that mindset and heartset of the happy millionaires. They know how to create value and they’ve learned to trust that.

So, we’re dealing with two different sets of mindset – one is the mindset to be able to make a million dollars of income and net worth, and the other is to be able to actually enjoy it.

What does your mindset and heartset say? Is there scarcity? Is there abundance? Do you trust your value? Your gifts? Do you trust the value that you provide? Do you create impact in the world, or are you just there to take money and extract value from other people?

Contemplate these things because it’s showing up in your life. If you hold that mindset of abundance, increase your impact. If you don’t have that mindset of abundance, I would start there first.

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