Dream Big

Jan 29, 2021

When we dream small, we get small. When we dream big, we get big. Before your fear diminishes, dream big and you’ll see your fears start to diminish because of your big dreams. You’ll see that the universe – life – starts to provide based on your dreams, not your fear.


The Universe Will Provide For You Based on Your Dreams

There’s something I’ve noticed about my clients, prospect, and even my family and friends.

The more fear that lives in our minds and our bodies, the smaller dreams. The more fear that’s present in our personal operating systems – our DNA – the smaller our dreams, the more we feel like we’re just fighting for survival.

In March of 2016, I was unceremoniously fired from my second executive-level position in about 20 months, after a long successful in corporate America. Even though I had cash reserves in a bank account, my dreams were to just survive until the next month — just pay the next mortgage, just have enough funds for the next grocery store run.

I realized that all the fear that I was holding was an illusion. My fears were just mental and emotional games being played through me, and the more my dreams could grow. And, the more my dreams grew, the more I grew as a human, and the more I accelerated on my path of finding a new career, of losing 100 pounds and putting my family back together.

Holding small dreams serves no one.  Holding small fear-based dreams of survival are really what is keeping you in survival mode. Don’t be afraid to dream big. There are only a few reasons of why you would ever dream small:

#1 –  You don’t feel worthy of dreaming big.

#2 – You’re afraid that you’ll be disappointed if your dreams come true.

#3 – You don’t feel like it’s available to you.

None of these are true. These are all survival-based, fear-based, beliefs that you’re holding. When we dream small, we get small. When we dream big, we get big. Before your fear diminishes, dream big and you’ll see your fears start to diminish because of your big dreams. You’ll see that the universe – life – starts to provide based on your dreams, not your fear.

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