Know Thyself First

Feb 03, 2021

When you have to hustle and grind for something, you’re really inviting, embracing, and loving struggle and stress and pain. The hard way. You are actually embracing the path of most resistance.


Stop Hustling and Grinding

I cringe every time I see or hear a human being encourage another human being to hustle or grind to achieve an outcome. My wife Angie calls these people “grind gurus” and “hustle whores.” What these people are actually teaching you is to fight life, fight nature and fight yourself. Maybe those outcomes you want are aligned for you and maybe they’re not.  When you have to hustle and grind for something, you’re really inviting, embracing, and loving struggle and stress and pain. The hard way. You are actually embracing the path of most resistance.


Picture this: there is a huge rock in the middle of the road. Instead of bringing in a machine to demolish the rock, you try to run through it, when there is a perfectly good machine right there behind you that will destroy that rock to allow you to get through and open up that road. That’s ultimately hustling and grinding.


It means you’re not using the tools at your disposal. When you really get clear about yourself and understand your talents and gifts and get self-aware; when you get clear on what you want to achieve; when you eliminate physical, mental, and emotional roadblocks; when you develop a tight social network of deep, connected individuals; and when you become highly competent at what you want to achieve and have that skill set that it takes to accomplish the mission, the rock basically crumbles itself.


Don’t be so busy fighting life and fighting nature and looking for the path of most resistance that you miss the opportunity to take the easy way by getting into alignment with yourself.


Know yourself, grow yourself, and show yourself, and obstacles will crumble away without hustling and grinding.

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