Get Clear, and Sh*t Gets Real

Aug 11, 2021

I want to advance the conversation about the art and science of creating wealth, success, and happiness. Last week in my blog and in my video, I spoke about how unsuccessful people – people to who struggle to achieve and accomplish anything – focus on studying their craft. And, people who are wealthy, successful, and happy – who have accomplished something significant in the world – focus on the art and science of creating wealth, success, and happiness.

These are vastly different. 

I want to dive into that realm a little bit. I want to explain the art and science of creating success and wealth.

So, whatever you hold in your mind's eye for a sustained period of time without worry, fear, and doubt, and with full trust, full faith, and full confidence will manifest from simple action. The opportunity to have those results is already there. It’s the worry, fear, and doubt that's keeping you from seeing the opportunities you have to just step right into it.

The art and science of creating wealth, success, and happiness is about harnessing the power of the human mind. It's about tapping into the full potential of this machine that you have attached to the top of your neck that allows you to create whatever you want as long as you focus with 100 commitment – with every fiber in your being – with complete faith that it will manifest. That it is possible.

The art and science of creating wealth, success, and happiness is basically getting clear about what you want, and eliminating worry, fear, and doubt that you can have it. Whatever you hold in your mind's eye is going to become real in your life.

Most people walking around the face of the planet are struggling. They’re sedating themselves and distracting themselves, trying to not focus on their fear, worry, and doubt. They try to take them away artificially – with more money, entertainment, chemicals, addictions, gambling, and working themselves to death. Hustle and grind gurus love these guys because they just keep telling them that worry, fear, and doubt will go away if you just work harder. That’s not the case.

The art and science of creating wealth, success, and happiness means getting clear about what you want and allowing it to become real in your mind and then working to dismantle the worry, fear, and doubt that exists in your mind and in your body.

When the worry, fear, and doubt is gone, then you'll see opportunities in the world that you never saw before. Easy, small action towards your vision will start knocking over dominoes that you couldn't have perceived were possible.

This has been documented in so many historical texts, including The Bible, and Think and Grow Rich, The Science of Getting Rich, and As A Man Thinketh. Some of the greatest documents in the history of literature contain these exact elements. Your prayers are already answered, but it requires faith, it requires trust, and it requires 100 percent commitment and confidence that your wishes are already answered.

The art and science of creating wealth, success, and happiness is getting clear about what you want, eliminating what's keeping you from it – in your mind and in your emotions – and then seeing it come to manifestation, because you are a valuable part of humanity.

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